Saturday, September 30, 2006


"Terrorist", according to the dictionary, is some one who uses violence to attain political goals. As per this definition, whoever uses violence for political gains will have to be bracketed as a terrorist. This holds good both for individuals and nation states. America's illegal invasion of Iraq after nurturing Saddam Hussein for so many years was a blatant act of terror. Israel's Occupation of Palestine is nothing else. UK too shares the blame by associating in Bush's war on mankind. This is true of all the nations that has joined America in the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.
When these nations indulge in such terrorist acts naturally one will be inclined to include the leaders of these states in the long list of men the world can do without. And thus Bush, Blair and Olmert have to be addressed as terrorists. Lets call a spade a spade. Raining down buster bunker bombs on innocent civilians , destroying cities beyond recognition, torturing inmates like they did in Abu gharib, assassinating popular leaders and plundering a nation's resources are nothing but terrorism. Look at the hell these western forces has created in Afghanistan and Iraq. Remember for a moment the plight of Palestinians for the last five decades. What should we call these state sponsored terrorist acts? In Iraq alone 650,000 people has been killed since the beginning of the American invasion. Five million Palestinians have become refugees since the inception of the Zionist state. Thousand others leave under occupation in the worst imaginable conditions in Gaza and West Bank.
9/11 , Madrid blasts and London bombings are terrorist acts too. And there should be no let up in our efforts to prevent recurrence of such events. There are extremist elements in Muslim community and there are fanatic imams preaching dangerous ideologies. And these has to be stopped . But how we go about it is important.
First and the foremost we need to accept the fact that Muslim extremism to a great extent is a reactionary phenomenon . The aforesaid acts of terror on the part of America and its allies especially Israel is what is fuelling extremism in the Muslim world. The double standards , utter disregard for Muslim life and nauseating holier than thou attitude of the west is swelling up the ranks of fanatics by thousands every passing year. A just Palestinian solution based on the principle that every man is created equal, withdrawal of occupation forces from Afghanistan and Iraq, A complete stoppage of the kind of intimidation as is being carried out against Iran and an equal say for the Muslim world in United Nations are the only solution.
Second , west need to help strengthen the moderates in Islamic world. In doing so one should not define a moderate as some one who will relinquish everything Islamic for the sake of western friendship. But should look at those believers who are proud of being Muslims and at the same time believe in building bridges with others. There is a sizeable number who believe that matters of religion has to be conducted with patience and in a peaceful manner. It is with these people that the west should engage in dialogue . And this dialogue has to be based on mutual respect and an urge to truly understand each other.
Third, there is a need to respect the democratic choices of Muslims even if the west don't agree with it. Treatment of Hamas by America and Israel is a shame. Also stop supporting the despotic regimes of the Arab world. Let the true spirit of democracy spread in all the Muslim states. Fourth, accept the fact that all men are created equal and all nations have equal rights. If you want someone's oil ,pay for it. Do business in their terms and don't force your will on them.
Earlier the power obsessed leaders of the west realize that this is their only sensible choice the better for all of us.

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